Be aware of a myriad of bogus pop-ups that might appear when you are visiting web sites. Typically these pop-ups contain messages that indicate that your computer has been compromised or some sort of security issue has been detected. Often the message include a phone number to call to get assistance. Furthermore, these pop-up windows are often difficult to dismiss and they hijack control of your your web browser, so you can’t view any other web pages.
First, please don’t believe the messages listed in these pop-up windows. Whatever dire warning is listed, it is not true. The FBI has not locked your computer. Microsoft has not detected a problem with your computer. Please do not call the phone number listed. I’m not sure what you’ll be told by the person you call, but I’m sure it won’t be true. They might offer to help you for a fee and thus they might ask for your credit card number. Please don’t give them your credit card number or any other personal information.
The steps listed below will typically get rid of these bogus pop-ups and help you to regain control of Safari or whichever web browser you’re using.
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