Monitor Recommendations

Would you like some guidance on selecting a new monitor? Clients often ask me to recommend a good monitor or tell them which monitor they should buy. These requests are actually surprisingly difficult for two reasons. First, there are numerous monitor manufacturers and each company makes a range of models so it’s tough to track the entire market. … Read more

Apple Shows You How To Make Beautiful Photos and Movies Using Your iPhone

I know you subscribe to my Tech Tips to get pearls of wisdom and nuggets of knowledge. Not this week. Here’s a fun and possibly educational video from Apple. Apple posts some interesting content on their Apple YouTube channel and on the Apple Support YouTube channel. In mid-November they released a cool video named Everyday Experiments. Get … Read more

Regain Access To Your Airport or Time Capsule

Have you forgotten or misplaced your Airport or Time Capsule passwords? If so, you should consider using the Soft Reset feature that Apple builds into Airports and Time Capsules. You could also review my previous Tech Tip about retrieving your Airport password from your Keychain which could save you from having to perform a Soft Reset. I should … Read more